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On June 28, two Seminole High School Technology Student Association (TSA) team members traveled to the National TSA Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. The National Conference was held from June 28-July 2. 

While at the National TSA Conference, SHS students Hana Gower and Landon Antoniono participated in general sessions, leadership meetings, meet and greets, and their competitive event. The pair qualified to compete at the National Conference in Audio Podcasting by placing at the Oklahoma StateTSA  Conference in April. After qualifying for the national conference, Gower and Antoniono began fundraising to pay for their trip to nationals. They want to thank everyone who helped them financially.


Gower and Antoniono created an original podcast which can be found on the Seminole High School website under the TSA page. This podcast and the students' portfolio were reviewed by judges, and then contestants were narrowed down as semifinalists. Once semifinalists, contestants participate in an interview process where they are asked questions about the process they used to create their podcast. 

Gower and Antoniono placed 5th in the nation with their audio podcast. For the 2022-2023 school year, Gower served as the Seminole TSA President, and Antoniono served as the Seminole TSA Reporter. They are both looking forward to returning as seniors next year and competing again.

Seminole High School TSA students had an extremely successful year as a chapter. It was the first year Seminole High School had a TSA chapter. With multiple teams placing at the State Conference and a team placing at the National Conference, Seminole High School is looking forward to a bright future with its Technology Student Association.