Head Girls Basketball - Ashley Lamb
Assistant Girls Basketball
Deja White
Head Boys Basketball - Demetris Hymes
Assistant Boys Basketball
Bobby Sanford

The Seminole Public Schools Basketball Program is for boys and girls in grades 6th through 12th grades and all athletes. There are a total of 14 teams with normally no more than 15 players per team.
6th grade - 2 Teams (boys and girls)
7th grade (boys and girls)
8th grade (boys and girls)
Freshman - 9th grade (boys and girls)
Junior Varsity Team (boys and girls)
Varsity Team (boys and girls)
Students on the high school and middle school teams will attend a class for this program. The elementary team will practice after school.
Physicals are mandatory. In order to participate in any athletic activity for any school year, the athlete must turn a current physical into the coach.