⭐️ BLS SuperStars for August ⭐️ Asher Thetford, Viktor Gordon, Mason Palmer, Cataleya Mendez-Corona, Briggs McDonald, Rowyn Haskin-Aulet, Heaven Sellers, Robert Fixico, Kameron Deere, Tympress Wolfe, Tobias Fixico, Barrett Scott, Alex Tilley, Ray Davis, Patricia Gore, Scarlett Alpirez-Jalal, and Eretria Moore. Not Pictured: Isaiah Buckley.
7 days ago, Angie Parks
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and T1 Star Students for April! They are: Kam Edwards, Gracie Patrick, Jameson Gordon, Gavin McGregor, Adalyn Totty, Ryder Means, Rhett Green, Antonio Meeks, Hayden Crouch, Shayla Satepauhoodle, JonKayla Williams, Carol Lopez Vega, and Angel Pulver.
4 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to our PK Star Students for April! They are: Kyla Miles, Mila Martin, Callie Perry, Justice Trammell, Samuel Delacal, Lane Frazier, Anne Harjo, Amirah Pewitt, and Jeremiah Tiger.
4 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to the Kindergarten/T1 Star Students for March! They are: Logan Roach, Serenity Brown, Miercalise Burris, McCoy Madkins, Dawson Rose, Lleyton Geist, Penny Harjo, Haleigh Totty, Isaiah Buckley, Howard Tiger, Hudson Parks, and Nathaniel Thomas. Not pictured: Ava Horton.
5 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to the Pre-K Star Students for March! They are: Tru Fabre, Annaleighya Merriman, Annaleigh Williams, Elijah Johnson, Gracelynn Kolander, Ora Beavers, and Braxton Alldredge. Not pictured: Jayvien Huntley.
5 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Student
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and T1 Star Students for February. They are: Shayla Satepauhoodle, Rory Hailey, Ivan Gordon, Riley Meissinger, Zachariah Haukass-Warledo, Siniyah Huntley, Wyatt Adams, Lincoln Harjo, and Blake Smotherman. Not pictured: Jesslyn McSperitt and Emma-Lee Haston.
6 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to our February Pre-K Star Students! They are: Elysha Brown, Kambri McCoy, Moxon Cotanny, Joleigh Yerby, Romeo Diaz, Ray Davis, Paisleigh Patrick, and Jakobe Lawson.
6 months ago, Angie Parks
Star students
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and T1 Star Students for January! They are: Lucas Brower, Eliyas Bruner, Emberlynn Huntley, Emerson Giboney, Scarlett Spurgin, John Thorn, Alli Gardner, Magic Colvin, Mina Nunnelley, and Stella Dobson. Not pictured: Madelyn Keener, Piper Fixico, and Sophie Duggan.
7 months ago, Angie Parks
Star students
Congratulations to our Pre-K Star Students for January! They are: Charlie Black, Sakehanska Buffalomeat, Ray Davis, Gunner Simpson, Kambri McCoy, Anastasia Ballard, and Ruger Pool. Not pictured: Nevaeh Ellis.
7 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and T1 Star Students for December! They are: Macie Reeves, Remington Richardson, Howard Tiger, McKenna Partida, Alex Tilley, Ellie Quinalty, Payton Blankenship, Jace Callahan, Rosa Hicks, Maebrie Angel, and Lil Tyler.
8 months ago, Angie Parks
Star student
Congratulations to our Pre-K Star Students for December! They are: Hakim Williams, Graylee Angel, Izen Melton-Jones, Patricia Gore, Robert Fixico, Naomi Bible, Daniel Heath, and Aria Dice.
8 months ago, Angie Parks
Star students
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and T1 Star Students for November: Ava Horton, Tatum Mendenhall, Dean Bolding, Case Stone, Jase Worthley, Khloe Goodwin, Daysen Chewey, Edmundo Williams, Grayson Cooper, Jacey Wade, Hazel Mejia, Wrynn Cheatwood, and Tobias Youngblood.
9 months ago, Angie Parks
Star student
Congratulations to our Pre-K Star Students for November are: Hadley Daniels, Maverick Baker, Braylie Burris, Lilly Nunnelley, Skyler Rowe, Barrett Scott, and Scarleth Alpirez-Jalal.
9 months ago, Angie Parks
Star students
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Seminole Chieftains app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app this afternoon! View the attached images for instructions on how to sign up. Download for Android http://bit.ly/2QdpYC2 Download for iPhone https://apple.co/2NJu2IF
10 months ago, Seminole Public Schools
Say hello to parent teacher chat
email invite instructions
text invite instructions
Congratulations to our October Kindergarten and T1 Star Students! They are: Luke Tiger, Madison Trent, Daelyn Harge, Mia Goodman, Tobias Fixico, Gracie Patrick, Hailee Harris, Hadley Sadberry, Carol Lopez-Vega, Ariyanna Patrick, and John Beavers.
10 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Student
Congratulations to our Pk October Star Students!!! They are: Mikko Sisto, Adilynn Landrum, Maya Geohagan, Brody Carter, Ja’Michael Spencer, Miles Cramer, and Parker Nichols. Not Pictured: Malaysia Lewis.
10 months ago, Angie Parks
Star student
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and T1 Star Students for September! They are Jemiah Billie, Nolan Olivia, Bishop Grayson, Aurora Macias, Kaenan Mack, Kayla Emmitt, Violet Harjo, Ekko Totty, Driller Smith, Bella Fitzgerald, Mila Noriega, and Hayden Hobbs. Not pictured: Knox Lowe.
11 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to our September PK Star Students! That are: Beckham Choate, Lynnox Mitchell, Major Staley, Amelia Stillwell, Secily Whitlock, Willow Scribner, and Amilliana Harris.
11 months ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and T1 Star Students for August: Shayla Satepauhoodle, Mya Tiger, Cheryee Robertson, Jaxon Williams, Howard Tiger, Carson Deere, Stella Staley, Elias Villarreal, Charlee Hicklin, Braggs Clark, Tucker Ingram, Presley Jackson, and Hayden Davis.
about 1 year ago, Angie Parks
Star Students
Congratulations to our Pre-K Star Students for August: Kyler Richardson, Oaklyn Pangle, Laurel Pool, Kameron Deere, Ryalynn Linker, Kendal Chastain, Tympress Wolfe, and Weston Roach.
about 1 year ago, Angie Parks
Star students